Monday, February 3, 2014

East Coast Girl

This is a short and sweet list of some new differences I've noticed between Michigan/Tucson since my last post about this topic. Most of them relate to the fact that I am from a different climate and time zone. I realize that I am not "technically" from the East Coast, however I am from the EST, and I used that to justify my title.
  • Wheel of Fortune is on at 6:30, and Jeopardy does not follow it. This was highly distressing for me. I spent a lot of time figuring out what time Jeopardy is on (3:30 - an inconvenient time for me). 
  • Nationally broadcasted events end earlier here. I realize that this is obvious, but after the Superbowl ended yesterday, I was convinced that it was quite late, only to discover that it was actually 8:30. I assume this is an effect of spending the rest of my life watching from the Eastern Time Zone. 
  • I have a different concept of cold than most Tucsonans. To many, 50 degrees is freezing. To me, it is mid-May. 
  • Most buildings are one story. In theory I am aware of this fact. Still, whenever I visit a new building, particularly a residence, I expect a second floor. Frequently this is not the case, and it confuses me. I use stairs a lot less here than I did in Michigan. 
  • Michigan - water, no mountains. Tucson - mountains, no water. A friend of mine was genuinely shocked when I casually mentioned that there are no mountains in Michigan. "None?! At all? But where do you hike?" Similarly, I am rather distraught by the lack of lakes here. 
  •  Citrus is far more exciting to me than to people who grew up here. It is my dearest ambition to harvest a lemon tree, and one of my friends has a huge one at her house. When we were discussing fruit at one point, another friend mentioned that she wished they had an apple tree. I thought this was interesting because we have two apple trees at my house in Michigan, but I had never seen a citrus tree before I moved here. 
  • Arizona doesn't believe in daylight savings time. This is nice since I don't have to confuse my body by changing the clock at arbitrary times throughout the year. Instead, everyone else is confused because the time difference changes. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Stephanie Pltotas. So good to know you through your profile on the blogger. I am also glad to stop by your blog "It's time to Look Up" and the post on it "East Coast Girl". Though I have no comment on this post but the earlier post on your blog is worth going through which speaks about the abuse. I am blessed to know you. Well since you have your interest in missions, I have an opportunity for you as we encourage young people as well as adults to come to Mumbai, India on a short / long term missions trip to work with us in the slums of Mumbai among the poorest of poor. We would love to have you come to work with us and have a life changing experience. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede. Looking forward to hear from you very soon.
